Monday, March 15, 2010

Paintin', paintin", paintin".

We have covered a lot of wall space with paint since the last blog. This mobile home is quite large and every room is a different color with trim being yet another color. It is really starting to shape up even tho we have a long way to go before we are finished. We are working with just the four of us and that is really working out well. It is different for men and women to work on the same project but since this house needs to be done at a certain time they put us all on it. A group from MAPPs were here before us and did the dry walling and spackling. MAPP is the volunteer group I was researching when I came across RVICS and we decided to go that way instead.
This camp is interesting in that it mainly targets groups of kids that are in trouble or may get into trouble. They gear their programs for inner city kids/young people. This camp is called The Oaks and is really under the umbrella of World Impact. It is an interesting difference from other camps which had mainly church groups. The wide open spaces here at The Oaks is at first rather intimidating for some of the campers that come here but the environment and the teaching and the structure is just what so many of them need and it certainly makes an impact on many of the campers who come here.
The pictures show what you all already know - some prefer rolling, some prefer trimming and others just like to paint with a brush. I float between them with whatever needs to be done first. I would prefer cleaning as it is much in need of it but painting is our priority so will do that. Surprising how many nooks and corners there are in such a home but we will slather paint on them all.
Every time there are campers here that need meals we are invited to eat with them and the staff. I think with the food so amply provided for us that this month could become The Oaks + 5. Will just have to walk that many more miles! I am doing the exercises that Mayo said were really the only way to try to help my joints' mobility improve and strenghen. Seems as if they are a little better already. Yeah, I can quit the exercises - NOT.
We did some sightseeing of the area this past weekend, mostly in the towns/cities. When Senior citizens need a new tooth brush they get all giddy thinking they have something to go to town for. Well, we needed haircuts and that was incentive enough. The one store in one of the malls that I had fun in was the World Market. Bought some interesting food items. My favorite was one from Holland called Chocolate Caramel Spread. It is soooo good and rich. Should make a special treat if I can just figure out what to spread it on.
Went to Grace Baptist Church yesterday and really enjoyed it. It is kinda like a mega church. The choir had 80 people in it, they had an excellent orchestra and soloist was great. Very friendly and organized. They have many young couples and, therefore, many little kids. The nurseries were not only separated according to months of age but also specified if one was for trained kids or not. There must have been 6 nurseries for sure. Many opportunities for adult classes and a page full of weekday classes or support groups. While shopping on Friday we met a woman and started talking. She invited us to her church and that is the one we went to. Glad we had that conversation.
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the little bit more modest temps in the Midwest. We have had frost here most every night and have had to run the furnace but seems today is suppose to be the start of warmer weather. Love and best wishes to all. We keep you in our prayers. Any special concerns we bring up at our daily group devotional time and pray for them specifically.
Love, Dad/Mom Wilmer/Marilyn


  1. Oh, I can think of lots of things to spread the chocolate caramel sauce on - crackers, pretzels, bread, fruit. Basically anything! Hope the painting is going well and see you in a few weeks!

  2. Hope you're having a good week, and Dad had a good Birthday yesterday. Talk to you soon!
    Love, Linda
