Sunday, April 12, 2009

Travel Interval

This is one of the last campgrounds we parked at on our trip. The name of it is Camp Journey's End and in a way that is true for us. We took our long trip, we did 4 months of RVICS projects and are now in Sioux Center. We arrived In Sioux Center Thursday, April 9. Interestingly, we had mixed emotions about being "home" again. It is so great to see family and friends around here again and be able to visit in person but our last months were such a blessing as well that as long as we are able and other things fall into place we will be willing and anxious to go again.
Several observations about being gone most of 9 months: Cell phone service is a necessity. We relished each and every call and will not "leave home without it". Internet is almost as important because it is another link to family and an access to what is going on in Sioux Center and surrounding communities. We found that two people can live in a tin box that is 8X36 for several months and still stay married. That didn't really surprise us but we did wonder just how confined or crowded we would feel. No fear, we enjoyed it immensely and are not about to stop it now as I will explain later. Another less personal but still helpful entity, WalMart. We are on several medications and having the prescriptions on line with all the Wal Mart stores make refills much less stressful. (WalMart hair cuts not always so great) A lesser important message we learned is that when living on the road or at a project we don't need half the clothes we took along. Sound familiar? Also, people across the miles we traveled all have some troubles and some need help to get them through a difficult time. We feel humbled and blessed that we were able to make the acquaintance of some of them and help them in a small way. Another thing that we knew but were renewed in our awareness of is just how perfectly and beautifully all of creation has been made. We also know the forces of nature can be strong and destructive or beautiful, we saw the working of nature in both ways. The picture to the left is definitely one of the beautiful scenes we observed every morning from our RV in Keystone Heights.
However, the interval will be short. In a few weeks we will head to Colorado to make the acquaintance of a new great granddaughter in Colorado (she has yet to be born but is due any day), then we hope to help Jason and Shasta work on a house they are restoring, then on to California for a high school graduation and then back to Sioux Center for a wedding in Aug.
Another interval of several weeks in Sioux Center. We applied for and have been accepted for RVICS for the fall. The plan, God willing, is that we will work in Kansas in Sept. Oklahoma in Oct. and Texas in November. You would think that after 15,422 miles since July that our pickup would start to feel like it is aging and feels rather diminished like the picture shows. However, even as the pickup on the picture is "Love" so our pickup and its occupants love to travel and work so we will hitch up again by the 1st of Sept. and move on to wherever we are able and feel called.
God's blessings on all of you!
Love, Dad and Mom/Marilyn and Wilmer

1 comment:

  1. Great post and I love that last picture. Had to look a couple of times because I thought your pick-up was REALLY showing the miles!

    Enjoy your time at home and have a wonderful Easter - what's left of it.

